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First Week in Australia

Everything is fine

The story of cover: A random shot in Brisbane City

Just couple days after I wrote the last post, my student visa came to me.

I’ve just come here for a week, but there are still many things which are worthy to record.

The way to Australia

Because I didn’t expect the visa arrived so early, when the visa came, I haven’t prepared for my bagage well.

Winter is coming, and I knew the possible situation that the city might be locked caused by the coronavirus, so I thought I should book my ticket as soon as possible. Then I booked the flight on 11.25. (I had only 10 days for preparing my bagage and saying goodbye to my friends, it cannot be earlier).

Things just happened like what I had expected. In the evening of 11.22, my mother told me that she had received a rumor that our area would be lockdown from the group. From the experience in the past, I believed that rumor, and go to another living place with my bagage. After about 2 hours, my area was lockdown, and I escaped successfully.

My new living place is the house of my another family member. The history repeated: The lockdown rumor appeared in 11.24, and I believed it one more time. I knew I could not hold the risk of lockdown, so I just carried my luggage and went to the airport directly. The truth told me that I was right, I successfully escaped from the lockdown again.

After I got the airport, everything was fine. Another 23 hours later, I arrived in Brisbane. What lucky!

Have a nice day, Mr.Driver

QUT provides the reception service for its students, and I booked it when I was in China. After I got my luggage, I saw a tall guy with beard who lift his phone and the screen of his phone displayed my name.
When our sight crossed, he came to me, and we went to his car together.

the friendly Mr.Driver

His car is a black Benz SUV with large space and he told me that he just washed his car for picking me up. Then, I started my first conversation with a foreign.

He comes from Pakistan, so he has the accent that I could not cognize first time, but just after a while, I suddenly could identify what he said and try to speak more, because I wanted to catch every opportunity to improve my speaking skills.

The conversation is not long, but we talked many topics, including: how he recognizes me in the airport, the relationship between Pakistan and China, the iconic building in Brisbane, the views we passed, What should I do when I am in university, and so on. Especially he gave me some advices for my upcoming study life:

  1. Keep focus and refuse anything disturb me
  2. Figure out what I exactly want and set an objective
  3. Keep patient and do not give up
  4. Repeat the three points above again and again

It’s the first time I talk with a foreign, which really impressed me.

The tour in City

Only one day after I arrived, I visited the Brisbane City. There are some things impressed me:

  1. I knew many chinese live in Sydney and Melbourne, but there are so many chinese in Brisbane, which surprised me
  2. Foreigns are very friendly and warm-hearted, which is not the same as chinese videos said
  3. There are a lot of people in the plaza together, and everyone has smile and nobody wears masks.

Shortly speaking, it’s a peaceful land.


My university is located at the heart of the Brisbane City, which is the main reason why I visited here firstly.
Many people think that only The Group of Eight were worthy to go, but I think there must be some different sights in other universities.

I tested PTE for 3 times to get in QUT, because I attracted by QUT firmly and I really love it. So you can imagine how happy I was when I visited the campus for the first time.

The campus is small but very delicacy.

P block gardens theatre school gate

The Queen St

After visiting the campus, I came to the Queen St, which is one of the busist street in Brisbane. I found a high rated japanese ramen resturant, and I orderd a bowl of ramen and a plate of gyoza

ramen gyoza

You can try to guess what price they are (hint: it’s food in the heart of Brisbane).

The answer is:

  • The ramen is AU $17
  • The gyoza is AU $10

They are both delicious but too expensive (too little weight).

Just post some views I shoted:

queen-street 1 queen-street 2

Some trifles

I also did some trifles:

I got my first australian transport card

go card

and also created my bank account.

A nice conversation with the granny and grandpa

For some reason, I met a couple of old in Springfield, and they came from Chile. We have a conversation about 40 minutes. They have lived in Australia for 32 years. They have done homestay for 20 years, many children from different countries and ages lived in their house.

The conversation incldues a wide range of topics: from the trait of child in different countries to how we live in China.

“Asian child are usually polite, they always say ’thank you’ after getting help”

“Australia is a good country, it’s safe and beautiful, I love here.”

“I saw many chinese child can play many instruments and study well, how did they do that?”

Their speed of speech is a little slow, and the voice is a little light, which makes me feel peaceful.

They invited me to have a meal at their home, and the grandpa drove me to the train station.

My feeling to Australia

It’s a really pretty good country to live, friendly people, fresh air, strong ecnomics, good environment, nice weather, suffcient sunlight and so many cute animals. It just like a pure land, I love this place, and I feel happy to stay here.

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