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Connections 2023

Rise to the challenge

The story of cover: QUT Gardens Point campus

How are my 2022

In shorter, 2022 is the turning point for my life.
There are so many things happened in 2022, which makes this year becomes gainful.
Also, it’s an unpredictable year: at the begining of 2022, I even could not imagine that I would be in Australia at the end of this year.

Here are top 5 impressed things in 2022:

  • One-one & year-end party
  • Company decoration
  • Leave SAGI GAMES
  • Learn English & Pass PTE test
  • Go to Brisbane Australia for study abroad

I performed well in most of critical objectives, which includes:

  • Pass the PTE test successfully, and I’m satisfied with the result (63)
  • Preparation for study abroad: it only took 4 monthes from decision making to arrive Australia safely

But there are some things that I did not well:

  • Cloud native learning (almost zero in k8s learning)
  • Lose weight (exercise not regularly)
  • Book reading (only 1 book I read)

As I mentioned above, because of the unpredicatbility in this year, it’s not accurate to evaluate this year by OKR (the direction has changed).

Overall, I think this year is not bad, which belongs to special occasion.

What is my 2023

I brought my ambition to come here, and I have my own objectives.
For achieveing my goals, next year will be very critical, because time never go back.

Here are the visiable big event in next year:

  • Orientation week for international students (enjoy it!)
  • take IT courses in full English (it’s a challenge for both of my English and IT skills)
  • take the PTE test (for higher English ability)
  • Find an IT-related job (Earn money for living)

I need to simplify my targets, so that I can know what I should do clearly at anytime. (ordered by priority)

  • A better English ability: 65 and above in each part of PTE
  • High GPA: 6.5 and above
  • Find a job: it should have salary and be IT-related as well
  • A healthier body: lose weight to be under 90kg or less

The problems need to be solved:

  • Distraction (cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time)
  • Irregular work and rest
  • Wasting time (there are so many tasks I need to do, but I just play something else)

Some hints:

  1. Once I get jobs, I could spend more money to improve the quality of my life. (whatever, be happier)
  2. Leave time for entertainment (if no plan for entertainment, entertainment will be unplanned)
  3. Pay more attention on myself, just leave fixed period for contacting family and friends (including reply)
  4. Be more respect to the schedule I set
  5. Never start a thing I have done from zero (prepare template for repeated and complex things)

Looking forward my better performance in 2023, happy new year!


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